Addi­tives for the cleaning process

Every cleaning job is a challenge.Our supple­men­tary prod­ucts support the special cleaners to opti­mize the cleaning process and to fulfil more demanding tasks. The Comple­ment addi­tive series boosts cleaning perfor­mance as a cleaning accel­er­ator. In cases of heavy foaming, our special FoamEx concen­trate helps with its strong foam-reducing prop­er­ties. We are pleased to advise our clients on selecting the optimal cleaner combi­na­tion for all indi­vidual cleaning Problems.

Comple­ment cleaning boosters


  • Cleaning boosters for all kinds of cleaning processes
  • Contain quick-wetting and to some extent defoaming surfactants
  • Suit­able in pH neutral to high alka­line blends
  • Accel­erate the cleaning process
  • Increase soil dispersing/carrying prop­er­ties of the cleaning fluid


Addi­tives for basic cleaners; suit­able for all paint systems; applic­able in spray and dip processes, can be dosed continuously

Concen­tra­tion: Indi­vidual variable

Appli­ca­tion temper­a­ture: 60–80 °C

FoamEx defoaming agent


  • Highly concen­trated addi­tive for defoaming
  • For turbu­lent, aqueous alka­line cleaning baths


For adding to cleaning processes with soil-related high-foaming tenden­cies; supports the cleaning process; suit­able for all cleaning methods

Concen­tra­tion: for imme­diate aid 1,5–3,5%

Appli­ca­tion temper­a­ture: effec­tive above 40 °C

InCorr corro­sion inhibitor


  • Tempo­rary corro­sion inhibitor for steel (low alloy or unalloyed)
  • No passi­va­tion of aluminium and aluminium alloys


Concen­trate for producing passi­va­tion baths; using immer­sion or spray method

Concen­tra­tion: 2%–10%

Appli­ca­tion temper­a­ture 55 °C–70 °C