About us

KS Chemie was founded in 1999 in Düssel­dorf. The company started with the devel­op­ment of special prod­ucts for the cleaning and pretreat­ment of surfaces, espe­cially for customers of the auto­mo­bile industry and its compo­nent suppliers. In the course of the following years KS Chemie could expand their busi­ness activ­i­ties by devel­oping new prod­ucts for further markets. Since 2013 the company belongs to the BÜFA Group located in Oldenburg.

With its more than 130 years of expe­ri­ence, BÜFA is an inno­v­a­tive, world­wide oper­ating, medium-sized family-owned enter­prise. With more than 500 employees we try to meet your demands at our best.

Today one of our core compe­tences is manu­fac­turing highly-effec­tive special cleaning prod­ucts for the manual and auto­matic removal of paints, lacquers and adhe­sives. Our cleaning prod­ucts are widely used in the areas of graphic indus­tries, in the paint and lacquer produc­tion as well as in the auto­mo­tive supplying industry.

Envi­ron­men­tally kind products
Along­side high effi­ciency coupled with econom­ical use, we place partic­ular emphasis on water-based solu­tions – with a focus on envi­ron­mental protec­tion, safety at work and sustainability.